דילוג לתוכן המרכזי בעמוד

Where’s the Laughter?

By: Shula Modan illustrations: Aya Gordon Noy

Where does laughter live? In the arms? In the legs? In the back? In the middle of the sea?  As Aya searches for laughter, she learns about the limbs of the human body and ultimately discovers that the laughter actually lives inside her. How wonderful!

Age Group: Daycare (2-3)

Laughter has the power to illuminate moments in life. It can be a source of encouragement, offering a different perspective and connecting people.

Aya is looking for laughter in body parts and all around her, but ultimately discovers that it was inside her all along. Toddlers enjoy laughing at funny faces, amusing words, songs, friends, pets, and anything around them. When reading this book, we join Aya as she searches for laughter, but also find it ourselves in many of the book’s pages – in rhymes, amusing phrases, and funny illustrations.

So I commended mirth
[Ecclesiastes, 8:15]


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Year of Distribution:

Tashach 2017-2018