דילוג לתוכן המרכזי בעמוד


By: Haim Nachman Bialik illustrations: Yossi Abulafya

“The Chickens and the Fox” is a classic story by the national poet of Israel, Haim Nachman Bialik.  The story tells of a flock of chickens that sets out in search of food.  At the end of the line a wounded chicken limps along on a crutch.  On the chickens’ return to their coop a hungry fox spies the flock and sets out to catch and eat the chickens.  Ambushing them from the rear he meets the wounded chicken, who tells him that the chickens are returning from a battle in which they beat the foxes.  At that, the fox becomes frightened and runs away.

The story integrates Biblical language with references of Torah stories, and is accompanied by the delightful illustrations of Yossi Abulafya.  The illustrations not only tell the story, but they interpret it and supplement the plot with humorous details.  Encourage your children to "read" the story to you by looking at the pictures.

Age Group: First Grade

“Ain l’cha adam she’ein lo sha’ah.” There is no man who does not have his day.

Even someone who is weak has his moment of strength.

The weakness of the wounded chicken is readily visible:  She limps and walks slowly.  If we were to judge her only by her outward appearance, we would consider her “different”, “weak”, or “needy”.  But if we pay attention to her inner character, we discover that she is brave and resourceful.  Thanks to her, the entire flock of chickens returned safely to their home.

Chazal, our wise teachers, write in the Mishna (Tractate Avot, ch.3, verse 4):  “Do not scorn anybody, […] as there is no man who does not have his day.”  They teach us not to mock anyone, for a time will come for each person when he or she will “rise to the occasion” and shine.  For example, when David went to war against Goliath, no one believed that David could succeed, because he was so small, while Goliath was enormous.  But David was clever and agile and overcame Goliath (Samuel, Book I, chapter 17).  Moses our leader had difficulty in speaking; he stuttered.  Therefore, he was helped by his brother Aaron, who did know how to speak well (Exodus, chapter 4).  People have all kinds of limitations, but in spite of them we all have our “hour” in which we can do great and important things.

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