Aviv thinks she’s too little to clean the room by herself and asks her dolls to do it for her. But each of the dolls has her own excuse. Will Aviv manage to tidy up by herself? And will she be able to help her doll friends? A sweet story about independence and trusting a child’s abilities.
Age Group: Preschool (3-5)
When Avivi has to tidy up her room, she claims she’s “too small”, and delegates the task to her toys. But when they need her help, she takes care of them with great devotion, and, unknowingly, ends up tidying up her room enjoyably – all on her own. Avivi is teaching us that, sometimes, when we help others out, our sense of responsibility and competence, which we may not have known we had, is enhanced.
“The matter depends on nothing other than myself”
(Avodah Zarah 17a)
Year of Distribution:
Tashpah 2024-2025