דילוג לתוכן המרכזי בעמוד

A Circle of Friends

By: Giora Carmi

*This book was originally published in English and is available to the public at large in English. It is not a selection of Sifriyat Pijama’s parent program in North America, The PJ Library.

“A Circle of Friends” is a picture book without text. Giora Carmi’s illustrations draw us into a world of events that take place in the short distance between the house and the nearby bench. Even young children will be able to “read” the pictures and tell the story according to their understanding. Reading a story told in pictures requires one to pay attention to fine details and to the connections between the pictures. Your  children will be able to enjoy the book independently by looking at the pictures, but it’s much more fun to sit with them and tell the story together. Enjoy!

“Matan Baseter” – Giving Charity in Secret


The boy who gives away his muffin and the man who receives it do not know one another, but the link between them sets in motion a cycle of giving and receiving. There are different types of giving in the story: Direct and overt  giving,  giving without expecting anything in return, and giving when the person on the receiving end does not even know he has been given something.

Maimonides describes eight levels or degrees of giving tzedakah, or charity.

Matan ba-seter, giving charity in secret, is one of the highest levels:

“And he does not know to whom he is giving, and the poor person does not know from whom he has received” (Mishneh Torah, Hilkhot Matanot Aniyim, Chapter 10 verse 8).

Maimonides teaches us that this is in order to avoid embarrassment.

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

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Year of Distribution:

Tashaa 2010-2011